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A query requires a single condition, and that condition must filter by a unique field.

To ensure that cached records are aligned with the database, a single condition is required. A query without a condition cannot guarantee that the number of records in the cache matches the database.

Cached Selector

public with sharing class SOQL_ProfileCache extends SOQLCache implements SOQLCache.Selector {
public static SOQL_ProfileCache query() {
return new SOQL_ProfileCache();

private SOQL_ProfileCache() {
with(Profile.Id, Profile.Name, Profile.UserType);

public override SOQL.Queryable initialQuery() {
return SOQL.of(Profile.SObjectType);

public SOQL_ProfileCache byName(String name) {
whereEqual(Profile.Name, name);
return this;


// SELECT Id, Name, UserType
// FROM Profile
// WHERE Name = 'System Administrator'

User systemAdmin = new User(
// ..
ProfileId = SOQL_ProfileCache.query().byName('System Administrator').toId(),