Building Cached Selector
Check examples in the repository.
SOQL-Lib is agile, so you can adjust the solution according to your needs. We don't force one approach over another, you can choose your own. Here are our propositions:
A - Inheritance - extends SOQLCache, implements Interface + static (Recommended)
public with sharing class SOQL_ProfileCache extends SOQLCache implements SOQLCache.Selector {
public static SOQL_ProfileCache query() {
return new SOQL_ProfileCache();
private SOQL_ProfileCache() {
with(Profile.Id, Profile.Name, Profile.UserType);
public override SOQL.Queryable initialQuery() {
return SOQL.of(Profile.SObjectType);
public SOQL_ProfileCache byName(String name) {
whereEqual(Profile.Name, name);
return this;